JSEF Signal Article: September 2018
Each month, Board member Billie Davis shares the latest news with readers of the Crockett Signal newspaper and our web site. Keep up on our newest accomplishments and upcoming events.
When we say we’re running in the red—it’s not exactly what we mean…. What we want you to notice is that we erased last year’s red “mercury”. So—where did that money go? Of course, you know it went to all four schools in our district. But the most dramatic part of our treasurer’s report was his page showing that (because we’re volunteers, and because we trim every expense that comes our way, we were able to give 97.54% of our gross profit to the schools, teachers, and students! 97.54%!!! Wow! Come to our meetings and see how we do it!
So now we’re in a new school year, and faced with a new financial challenge to raise even more money than we did last year, and we’re off to a great start. We’ve only had one fundraiser so far this year—The Sugar Town Festival. We were tickled pink to see the history of the success of that event. Our treasurer was able to show us how the lemonade booth has continued to increase in profitability since we started selling that juicy drink seven years ago: #1 we’re getting better, #2 more people from all over the bay area are being attracted to the event, and #3 everyone is getting thirstier! So a great big thank you goes out to people in our community as well as to those who travelled from far and wide to enjoy Crockett’s exciting Sugar Town Festival.
Our meeting included a visit to our post office box where we received a hearty “Thank You” from Ms. Hayden for our help towards the costs of the AP tests. Other “Thank Yous” came from recipients of our scholarships and were all delightful. We haven’t had any requests for funds because school’s been out for summer, and our Mission Statement wouldn’t consider a Caribbean Cruise. Oh Well.
This summer we had a meeting with the district’s PTAs and the superintendent, Dr. Miller. The result was a better focus to help the entire district on 1. Climate & Culture, 2. Trauma Kits, and 3. Technology. JSEF is right on track with supporting all the students with access to chrome books. In addition we were able to help teachers streamline their request efforts. It feels good to know that all teachers will feel confident approaching us with their needs.
But back to the business of business…the best way you can help us “get in the red”—in a good way—is to go to our website https://www.johnswettef.org/ where you will be guided to the spot where you can donate directly online. And then, when you can see that thermometer inch up. You’ll know that you’re really making a difference in our schools. Perpetual donations through rally.org—the link is on our website or matching funds from your employer are always good sources of support for our kids.
Or if you’re more the type who wants to go to a party to celebrate our schools, get prepared for the JSEF’s November 2nd adult prom. The theme this year is: Intergalactic Dance Party. We’re in full swing preparing decorations, music, food, and cocktails for generous people who know how to enjoy parties that are (truly) “Out of This World”! Already our ideas for the silent auction items are creating a mood of eager anticipation. Your dress can be anything from the “slick & starstruck” to the “weird & wacky”; after all, who knows what’s beyond the edges of our galaxy? You’ll just have to venture through the gateway of the Community Center doors to find out.
Any and all of you are invited to attend our monthly meetings. (We did discuss alternative days, but Mondays continue to be the best day of the week for gathering as many as can make it.) So the next meeting will be October 15th at the District Offices in Rodeo