John Swett Education Foundation

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JSEF Signal Article: May 2017

May 2017, Billie Davis, Director

I think I can divide the world into two groups:  #1 people who actually enjoy running. #2 people who—well—actually don’t. But those #2 people are usually #3 people who thoroughly enjoy stepping aside to let the #1 runners do what they love to do. Those #1 people sometimes believe that #2s and #3s, given the chance, would become #1 people with them, if those non-runners took the leap of faith to slip into some jogging shoes, and step in pace with them.

If you were able to follow the logic of that opening paragraph, you are one of the few! Excellent! If you are a #1 person you’ve probably already know about our annual Sweat  for  Swett  fundraiser, and you’ve already gone online to buy a $25 ticket. If you’re a #2 person married to a #1 person, it’s not too late to go online and buy 4 Sweat  for  Swett tickets, so you can get a bargain as you and your friends watch JSHS’s jumbo-tron and witness what a thrill it is for those #1’s to hold their arms high over their heads as they cross the finish line. And if you already know the calm, comfort, zen-like one-worldliness of being a #3 person, you can easily go online, purchase a Sweat  for  Swett ticket, and enjoy walking the beautiful path—stepping aside occasionally to allow a confident #1 person pass you by as they revel in the challenge of finishing Crockett’s Wood Rat Trail in record time.

So, if you wake up on May 21st and realize that you really want to earn the wholesome satisfaction of supporting the next generation of students in our cozy community, this Fun Run is good for all #1’s #2’s and #3’s. (Tickets will be available that morning for late-comers for only $35.) The official starting time is 9:00—so we’ll see you a little before that.

We’ll have tents set up in the parking lot of the Carquinez Middle School. There you will be able to park your car and pick up your numbered runner’s bib. (For those of you who have dietary restrictions, I’ve been told that the course will be well-marked with glucose-free flour arrows.) The 5k trail follows along Crockett Boulevard past Willow High school, along the Carquinez Regional Park “Wood Rat” trail, back through the middle school and on to the High school football field. The highlight of the 5k experience will be your image on the gigantic sports screen as you cross the finish line.

The JSEF website will guide you through the Fun Run logo to Brown Paper Tickets. There you will find individual tickets for $25.  If you have a group of 4, it’s $90 ($22.50 apiece). It’s even a better deal if you and seven other friends buy for a group of 8--$160 (only $20 each!).  And, of course, there are student discounts as well.  

Oh!  I almost forgot! You might be a #4. You might be one of those unique individuals who simply likes to help.  We’re certainly open to any #4 volunteers who want to attend our JSEF meetings on the third Monday of each month at the School District Offices (7:00PM)

Be sure to visit our website for updates on all our activities. JSEF ( supports all of our district schools with every penny that comes our way.