JSEF Signal Article: June 2020
We should all feel almost angelic; we’re all singing together on the cloud (thanks to the lofty gift of internet access). –Don’t tell anyone, but it’s kind of nice being able to communicate from the comfort of our own homes rather than an official school site; this way we can enjoy a sip of fine chardonnay while swapping stories of the latest events in the John Swett School District.
Although we weren’t able to publish anything last month, we did have some business to attend to, so I do have a little bit of news. We were able to write checks for previous funding requests. In April the PTA from Rodeo Hills wanted us to support their Reading Challenge program. Each year the students submit special designs—one of which is chosen to be printed on T shirts. We are always delighted at this annual request. So at this meeting our treasurer was able to write a check to the PTA.
Additionally, two months ago we were asked to support helping high school seniors pay for the AP testing. We felt proud to be able to approve those funds. We were concerned that maybe the testing program would be somehow postponed, altered, or (heaven forbid) even cancelled. But, no! The administrators have figured a way that our students can take the tests online. So, our treasurer sent them a check as well.
The most challenging topic of our meeting was coming up with creative fundraising activities. All sorts of ideas were floating and flying through the internet as we developed methods of taking advantage of this new way of doing business. Each and every one of us has had a huge education in learning how to connect with the things that are near and dear to us in ways that had never occurred to us previously. Who ever imagined that we would be playing parlor games (like Trivial Pursuits or cribbage) with friends across town, or across state lines? The needs of our students will be different (for sure!) but you can bet your bottom dollar that anything that anyone wants to do is going to cost money! Schools, teachers, and students will be needing equipment, supplies, and support. And I’ve got to warn you that in 5 years and 9 months there will be a “tidal wave” of new kindergarteners that are going to need lots of chrome books, tablets, and iPads. And it is now our job to come up with spectacular “new normal” ideas to encourage adults who have learned how to run their daily lives from the comfort of their homes to recognize the opportunity they have to support our students through non-profit organizations like the JSEF. Our soon-to-be-updated website at www.johnsswettef.org can give you some ideas. And it’s getting better.
But just like the “old normal” way of bidding my fond “adieu” to you, I’m inviting you to join us in our monthly meetings. More than ever we need new faces with innovative ideas about supporting our local schools. But instead of going to the district office, you can simply plug in online. Get your GoToMeeting link by emailing our President, Emma Sutton at emma.jsef@gmail.com. And she’ll send it to you. We will virtually start at 7:00 on Monday, June 15th. And be sure to enjoy the event with a glass of wine!
Billie Davis, Director