JSEF Signal Article: August 2021
Even in the depths of the dog days of Summer, the John Swett Education Foundation continues to carry out its mission to enhance the education of the children in our community. Children who, hopefully, are enjoying the summer carefree by the pool, playing video games, eating ice cream and feeling loved. Oh, and reading books. That’s what summer is all about!
At our monthly meeting in July, we had Charles Miller, Superintendent of John Swett Unified School District in attendance. He filled us in on the latest news and concerns of the District. We received an update on the construction of Carquinez Middle School and yes, it is progressing nicely. Fortunately the District was able to lock-in the lumber cost for the project before lumber prices shot through the roof during the pandemic. Charles Miller is focusing on the schools’ reopening this fall and let us know that the new state mandate requires everyone to be masked. Charles told us it is too difficult to know which kids are vaccinated and which are not, hence the state requirement that everyone on campus wear a mask.
The John Swett Education Foundation is open for grant requests! If you have an idea, a project or need which benefits the education of our kids, please go to our website at www.johnswettef.org and fill out and submit the on-line form. We will contact you and discuss what happens next.
You may see us at the Sugartown Festival on September 26, 2021, please stop by our booth and say hello!
Would you like to get involved with the John Swett Education Foundation? We would love to have you! Please join us for the next virtual meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday August 17th. Get your Zoom link by emailing our President, Emma Sutton at emma.jsef@gmail.com. The meetings are a great opportunity to get involved and to find out what is happening in our school district, hanks to Charles Miller the superintendent, who attends our meetings regularly. He told us how much he values the thoughts and insights of the John Swett Education Foundation. Its a win-win!