JSEF Signal Article: April 2017
Each month, Board member Billie Davis shares the latest news with readers of the Crockett Signal newspaper and our web site. Keep up on our newest accomplishments and upcoming events.
April 2017: 5k Fun Run, Reading Challenge and more
Yikes! I need to make a quick correction to our last article. The beautiful, exciting, and rewarding 5k Fun Run is coming right up. It’s still going to be taking place on May 21st. And I’m delighted to be able to tell you that we’ll be able to use the same 5k route we’ve used for so many years. (We’re not going to have to worry about a “substitute” course until next year. Thank goodness!) So mark your calendars, and start to think about how wonderful it is to enjoy the gorgeous trail that meanders up to Cummings Skyway, and then eases on down the hill back to our cozy town! All participants—whether they run, jog, or walk—always finish the event with the exclamation that the view at the halfway point is spectacular. Those who are avid runners also appreciate the fact that our beautiful course goes along an unpaved path through the regional park in our back yard. It’s safe, well-marked, peaceful, and quiet. Because we start the event at 9:00, the weather is always perfect.
Let me hasten to add—you don’t have to be a participant in that event to have fun; we’re certainly open to any volunteers who would enjoy the satisfaction of taking part—but in a support role rather than a “sweaty” one! Whether it’s helping runners sign in to get their bibs, or if it’s helping them as they are on the Jumbo-Tron at the finish line, there are always several opportunities to help the runners get the experience they relish. Our JSEF meeting on Monday May 15th at the School Offices (6:30) will be focused on wrapping up all the details. Come and join us—even if it’s just for this one time.
JSEF was delighted to be able to support the “Reading Challenge” at the elementary school. The National “Read Across America” program gave the students the chance to earn colorful T-shirts that highlighted their accomplishments. Those elementary students can be proud to know they’ve taken an active part in a nation-wide celebration.
Our mailbox was full of thank you notes from the students who love the graphic novels we helped the Middle School library purchase. Ms. Aragao sent a wonderful quote by Stephen King: “Books are a uniquely portable magic” with her thanks for our help to build her classroom library.
We also received a couple of requests from the Rodeo Hills PTA to help with two projects—one, a fundraiser, and the other for an art program—both of which will energize the entire school environment. If you have a student at Rodeo Hills, you should come to one of our meetings to see what goes on behind the scenes to make that school so great!
And we’re all very excited that this is the month we will be able to read the essays from John Swett and Willow seniors. Our annual scholarship program is designed to help those young adults attend post-graduate programs that will help them achieve their own lofty goals. Each Director gets to do their “homework” of reading and assessing each application, and then we meet and discuss the attributes of each essay. We end up being so proud of our school district. Names of the winners will be printed here in the Signal.
In addition, we’re beginning to update our website—and that’s a huge undertaking. We’re focused on making it a more reliable and easy-to-navigate method of communicating with Crockett, Rodeo, Hercules and Port Costa. Keep reading the Signal, and we’ll keep you updated!
It’s great to be involved with all our schools!